Dreaming of a Different World…

“In the early ’80s, a bunch of people imagined a world they wanted to live in. It was a more multiracial world, a less homophobic world. And it was a much more interesting world than the suburb where you lived. All those video clips were aspirational, you know. They’re people’s dreams. In a way, those dreams did come true years later.”

–Martin Fry, leader singer of ABC

(quoted in Marks and Tannenbaum, I Want My MTV!, 130)

I love this quote.

I am updating many of the posted essays on the left with new introductory quotes while I work on my next batch of essays to be posted soon. These include David Bowie and Mick Jagger’s Dancing in the Streets, Van Halen’s Hot For Teacher, Salt n Pepa’s Push It, Ton Loc’s Funky Cold Medina, and Queen’s Radio Ga-Ga and I Want to Break Free. And yes, eventually I will get around to Prince and Madonna. I have avoided Madonna thus far because so much has already been written about her by other people, but I plan to analyze Justify My Love soon.